Michael plays the flute at Peru State University in Peru, Nebraska on November 10, 2005 (Taken by Dr. Bill Clemente)
Another shot of Michael with a flute at Peru State on November 10, 2005
Michael plays the guitar at Peru State on November 10, 2005 (Taken by Dr. Bill Clemente)
Michael sings Indian Sunset on November 10, 2005 (Taken by Dr. Bill Clemente)
Michael plays the flute on stage at Peru State on November 10, 2005 (Taken by Dr. Bill Clemente)
Michael talks about his music with the crowd at Peru State on November 10, 2005 (Taken by Dr. Bill Clemente)
Michael at Adventures in Art in Omaha during a fundraisor on April 24, 2005
A closeup of the previous shot
Michael at the Peace and Justice Expo on April 9, 2005. Photo taken by Pasco P.
Secret thoughts album cover blown up for a wallpaper. Painting by Andy Acher in 1996.
Michael plays the harmonica and guitar at the Iowa Trails Center at a jam in 2003.
A sketch of Michael by Omaha artist Vasiliev Nini.
Sketch of Michael done by a Hot Shops artist.